Salam & Hey there!
I'm now start to work on the 5th episode of my own Flash series, Frivolous Scrolls I: Ep.5! The script for this episode was prepared by me & my twin brother, Haireey (blakant). The the strong are now packed with more laugh-able humor now (I hope).
Anyway, right now, I'm only starting to drawing/placing the characters, background & props into the scenes. Did not plan to start the recording session yet, becuase I'm thinking to finish the placing the stuff at least HALF-way based on the prepared storyboard. Oh yeah, storyboard. I've prepared the storyboard especially for the voice cast to help em' understand the situation & all. So I hope that'll help with their work, cuz they're awesome! And trying my best to help em' more.
Uhmm.. right! I'm opening a few roles/job (not paying, lol) to help me in this project. So please PM me if you're interested!
OPEN ROLES - Additional Animator (To animate the extra movieclip; art are prepared by me)
- Music Artist (Needed few classical music for the background)
Again, contact me for info!
Wish me luck! :D
-Haizeel Hashnan (akoRn)
HUSH Animation
I would love to animate for this.
Let's keep in contact, buddy